Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Geek Time: My Doctor Who Theory

I have a confession to make. I am a Whovinite. A Whovinite is to a Whovian what a Trekker is to a Trekkie, or so it has been described to me. That said, you might be expecting my theory to have something to do with sex, or kink or the like. Given the nature of my writing, that assumption is understandable. It is also, perhaps surprisingly, incorrect.  With the 50th anniversary special looming near, this has been on my mind more and more, even as I struggled to finish the edit on my newest book.
Sadly, I did not grow up with the Doctor like so many I know. I was introduced about two years ago by my husband, who was lucky enough to grow up watching it (re-runs, mostly) with his Dad. Yes, I was introduced through the new series. Just watch one. That's how he got me. Next thing I knew I was watching one after the other on Netflix, thoroughly addicted. He got me into the original series the same way, though we started with his favorite,  the fourth.
Anywho, I promised you a theory. I know there are a lot of them going around right now, with Clara now the official companion, the 50th anniversary a few days away and the Christmas special regeneration fast approaching.  And, of course, who could forget the lost regeneration, the "war doctor", John Hurt. Right or wrong, this is mine.
It all starts with Asylum of the Daleks. Yes, the evil pepperpots hate anyone and anything that is not a Dalek.  They know pretty much every species in the galaxy. Actually, they seem to have a pretty extensive knowledge of everything in general.  After Souffle Girl, however, there is one thing they don't know - who the Doctor is.  Not only that, but they don't seem to have any clue what his species is, which would imply that they no longer know what a Time Lord is either.  While it seems obvious that this would mean the Doctor would have an easier time defeating them, there is also a larger and much less obvious  (in this writer's opinion) meaning.  
  Let's step back in time, shall we?  Back past Ten, and Nine, to the original series.  To a time when the Doctor sported a tell-tale mop of curls, a floppy hat and an impossibly long scarf.  That's right.  I'm talking about the fourth Doctor here.  During his time in the TARDIS, he was sent to the moment of the Dalek's creation.  He had the chance to stop them from existing, and didn't.  Sure, the Daleks had appeared previously, but this was a major defining moment in their history with the Doctor.  
  Stepping forward a bit, we see the beginning of the Time War.  Time Lords vs the Daleks in a battle for all of reality.  We're lucky enough to have gotten a small glimpse at what it must have been like in the recently released short, The Night of The Doctor, and even just that tidbit shows good reason for something that has only been mentioned once or twice.  The Time Lock.  Somewhere out there in the universe, the war rages on in an endless loop, each side doing it's damnedest to destroy the other.  While the Daleks most definitely hate everything non-Dalek, they seem to have a special kind of hatred for the Time Lords and from everything I can tell the most common theory on this is that it's because of the Doctor and their encounters. 
  Now, back to semi-present day.  They don't know who or what he is.  They have no memory of the Doctor, or of Time Lords in general.  They may hate him on principal now, but it's the same hatred they have for everything else that isn't a Dalek.  This brings me to my theory.  With all of this having been completely wiped from the collective Dalek memory bank, it would seem to me that there would have been no reason for this epic war to have begun in the first place.  No Time War means no Time Lock, no destruction of the Time Lord race at all.  All of this leads me to the core of my theory - the show is preparing for the return of the Time Lord race.
  Yeah, I said it.  I think they are coming back.  Dalek theory aside, we're coming up on a regeneration.  The twelfth, or thirteenth if you count the one going from Eight to John Hurt's War Doctor.  Then that's it.  The end of the line.  No more regenerations.  Could this mean no more Doctor Who?  Blasphemy!  It just means they have to find a plausible way around the regeneration limits imposed when the show first began, something that has been hinted at in interviews over the last few years.  If we look back to the original series once again, we see that the council of the Time Lords can grant a new regeneration, or series of, if they see fit.  What better way to get around our own beloved Time Lord reaching the end of his than by bringing back his home planet and with it his entire species?
  Looking at it purely from a production stand point, think of the new story lines!  The new twists and turns, new enemies and adventures!  With bringing back the Time Lord race, they would have episode material for years to come, and with the raging success of the reboot, why wouldn't they want to do something like that?
Anyway, these are simply my thoughts on the matter.  We shall see what happens after Saturday!

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